We had wonderful Harvest Celebrations at both our churches in the last month. The food collected at these and from Barlborough Primary School has been donated to the Freedom Project which has 11 centres in the local area and will go to supply their foodbank.

We are now going to keep a box for collection for the foodbank at the back of church for regular donations. If we can all get into the habit of putting an extra tin into our weekly shop and then bringing it to church on a Sunday we can make sure we support local families (60% of the recipients of food parcels locally are families with children) and others who are struggling to put food on the table. Let’s share what we have with those in need. Leaflets about the Freedom Project are available at the back of church. These are the foods they need:
- Pasta or Rice
- Sauces (Pasta, Curry or Sweet & Sour)
- Tinned Veg
- Tinned Tomatoes
- Tinned Fish (Tuna, Mackerel)
- Tinned Meat (Ham, Steak, Mince)
- Cereals
- UHT Milk
- Tea or Coffee
- Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding or Custard
- Baked Beans or Tinned Spaghetti
- Hot Dogs or Meat Balls
- Soup (tinned or Cup-A-Soup)
Let’s keep being generous with what we have!