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Handmade Christmas Masks for Sale in aid of St James

Looking for a good stocking filler idea? Dawn Morton is handmaking Christmas face masks to sell in aid of St James, Barlborough. They are £3 each or two for £5, made with 100% cotton with a soft jersey interior for your face including a filter pocket. To order, please email Dawn and she will send you details of how to pay online or you can send her the money by post.

John Whybrow RIP – organist at Barlborough church for 55 years

The funeral of our beloved organist at Barlborough Church, John Whybrow, took place today. It was a simple service according to the Book of Common Prayer at John’s request and was attended by family only (because of current restrictions). Thank you to those from our church family who clapped his hearse as it travelled to Clowne Cemetery. Thank you also to Rhys Williams for playing the organ and playing John’s favourite, Guide me O thou great Redeemer. John died on…

Giving to church during the pandemic – and beyond!

While our churches are closed we cannot receive all the monetary gifts we usually do, here’s how you can help by joining the Parish Giving Scheme and giving by Direct Debit. A regular gift really helps our cash flow, prevents the need for us to count cash and go to the bank (thereby keeping us safe) and the scheme automatically claims Gift Aid. It gives all of us peace of mind – you’re not worrying about your envelopes with your…
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