Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 50)

Join us for our Plastic Free Harvest Festival Family Fun Day!

A Harvest Festival with a difference! This year parishioners at Clowne Parish Church are celebrating Harvest Festival in a new way – they are encouraging people to go plastic-free! Rector, Bryony Taylor said, “I’ve always struggled a bit with Harvest Festival having grown up in a town. It is a Victorian festival that we celebrate now with much nostalgia but it doesn’t always feel that relevant in these modern times when you can buy strawberries all year round! I realised…

The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival – 27th-30th July 2019

The Vicar of Dibley comes to Barlborough’s famous flower festival Barlborough Church celebrates its Festival of St James every year with a flower festival – dates this year are Saturday 27th July – Tuesday 30th July. This year’s theme is TV we have known and loved. The church’s Rector, Rev’d Bryony Taylor is a self-confessed telly addict and wrote a book about Christians on the telly called ‘More TV Vicar?’ (DLT, 2016). She said, ‘we chose television as this year’s…

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