Sunday Service Online (Page 4)

Christmas Eve. Crib Service 4pm, Clowne, 6pm Barlborough. Midnight Mass both churches at 11.30pm & online

We look forward to welcoming you to our Christmas Celebrations. Our crib services are at 4pm at Clowne and 6pm at Barlborough on Christmas Eve and then Midnight Mass will be at both churches at 11.30pm – the service will be livestreamed on Facebook from Clowne here Christmas Day eucharist is 9.15am at Clowne only and Boxing Day (Feast of St Stephen) is a said eucharist at 9.15am at Barlborough only in the Lady Chapel. There will be no…

This week’s service was at Barlborough at 10am on Bible Sunday 24th October

Big apologies to those who tuned in for the live service this morning. The curate had a technology fail trying to stream the service from a laptop. Not having done it before it looked like it was working but it wasn’t. Sorry to everyone who normally tunes in live or watches afterwards online. Next week the streaming should be back up and running.

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