Clowne Mining Mosaic

Our new Mining Mosaic is now installed in our Miners Chapel.

This passage from Job 28 in the Old Testament inspired us as we created the mosaic:

‘Surely there is a mine for silver,
and a place for gold to be refined. 
Iron is taken out of the earth,
and copper is smelted from ore. 
Miners put an end to darkness,
and search out to the farthest bound
the ore in gloom and deep darkness. 
They open shafts in a valley away from human habitation;
they are forgotten by travellers,
they sway suspended, remote from people. 
As for the earth, out of it comes bread;
but underneath it is turned up as by fire. 
Its stones are the place of sapphires,
and its dust contains gold.

‘That path no bird of prey knows,
and the falcon’s eye has not seen it. 
The proud wild animals have not trodden it;
the lion has not passed over it.

‘They put their hand to the flinty rock,
and overturn mountains by the roots. 
They cut out channels in the rocks,
and their eyes see every precious thing. 
The sources of the rivers they probe;
hidden things they bring to light.

A shaft of light comes down from the cross in the window above – the light of Christ. On the right is the image of a nurse and on the left a miner, recognising that men and women were part of the mining industry in lots of different roles. Around the edge are smaller images depicting people’s hobbies and home life. Down the left hand side is a fish, a pint of beer, a hare and a gardening spade. On the right are a whippet, a cup of tea, a pigeon and a cornet. In each of the four corners is a pit tally (tokens used by miners to clock in and out) – there is one for Bolsover, Whitwell, Creswell and Markham pits. The text is from Job 28:11.

Watch a video about how and why the mosaic was made here:

Interview by Sarah Major on BBC Radio Sheffield
Photos by SophieMarplesPhotography & Bryony Taylor
Project Managed by Junction Arts
Mosaic Designed by Coralie Turpin Thomson Artist
Project funded by a grant from Tesco Bags of Help

We worked with Junction Arts to create the Mosaic. Artist Coralie Turpin designed the mosaic and taught us how to create it.

We were  delighted to work with local student photographer Sophie Marples who documented our Mosaic Project for us. See images below.

The Design Workshop

We met with local artist Coralie Turpin to scope ideas for the design she would create.

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The First Workshop

Coralie showed us how to cut and place the tiles and we started to create the mosaic.

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