Sunday Service Online (Page 11)

Watch our Festival of St James Communion service live on Facebook at 10am and on YouTube later today

Visit our Church Facebook page at 10am to watch the service live. Later today this will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. For Facebook click the link below (you do not need to login to Facebook): Here is the service including the words coming up on screen on YouTube: Here is the service including the notices in live format (no words on screen): To listen to just the sermon visit: or dial 01246 388487.

Spiritual Communion Online Service for Pentecost Sunday 31st May

Welcome to today’s service. Make sure your volume is turned up on your computer or device. If you need subtitles hover over the video with your mouse and click on the ‘cc’ button in the bottom right of the video screen. Press the ‘F’ key to make the video fill your screen or hover your mouse over the video and click on the button on the far right at the bottom. I hope you’re wearing something red, orange or yellow…

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