Sunday Service Online

Watch our services on YouTube

This week, instead of using Facebook live for our service we are going to try using Youtube instead. To view the livestream you’ll need to go to: And the video should appear there. If you have ‘subscribed’ to our YouTube channel, it should be easy to find it. The link will be shared on Facebook but you won’t be able to comment on the video on facebook. If you want to be able to comment as the video is…

Books of condolence open, 8.30am Service of prayer and thanksgiving for the Queen, Clowne, 10.00am Commemorative Eucharist for the Queen, Barlborough Sunday 11th September 2022

We mourn together the loss of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth II, we gather as a family, as a church, as people for whom the Queen has been a constant presence in our national life and conscience. We give thanks and we remember and we pray for our new King, Charles and all the royal family. This weekend, Clowne Parish Church will be open on Saturday 10th September from 10am -1pm for people to spend time in the quiet, light…

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