News (Page 15)

Help us create a new mosaic for our children’s chapel

In 2019 we created a beautiful mosaic for our Miners Chapel at Clowne Parish Church. This year, we intend to create another mosaic, working with the same artist, Coralie Turpin, for the other side chapel at our church, popularly known as the Children’s Chapel as it has a stained glass window of the Christ child. We are running two free workshops for all ages to help us create a Noah’s ark design mosaic for the altar in the chapel. These…

Memorial Service for John Whybrow, our late, beloved, organist. Sunday 13th February, 5.00pm

In 2020 our beloved organist of 55 years, John Whybrow, sadly died. We are having a special memorial service full of music to celebrate his ministry to us. You are warmly invited to attend on Sunday 13th February at 5.00pm at St James, Barlborough. We are also welcoming donations in John’s memory to the upkeep of the organ and can receive these online here: or by cheque payable to St James Barlborough posted to The Rectory, Church St, Barlborough, S43 4EP.

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