Posts by Bryony Taylor (Page 11)

Celebrate Holy Week and Easter in Barlborough and Clowne

We look forward to seeing you for our Holy Week and Easter Services at St John the Baptist, Clowne and St James the Greater, Barlborough. Come with us on the most amazing journey: Palm Sunday 9.15am Barlborough, 11am Clowne A Eucharist at which the palm crosses are blessed and we hear the story of Jesus’ Passion (journey to the cross). Maundy Thursday 7pm Eucharist, Barlborough The Eucharist where we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and he washed their…

Stories from the Desert – Lent Group Tuesdays at Clowne, 7.30pm-9.00pm

We are running a special Lent course on the theme of Stories from the Desert on Tuesdays in Lent starting on 28th February at 7.30pm at Clowne Church (postcode S43 4AZ). You are welcome to join in, try out, dip in! We’ll be engaging with five biblical and Christian desert experiences in a different way each week: Jesus’s temptation; the Exodus; Psalms of the desert; Exile; Desert monastics. Take the opportunity to get closer to God this Lent.

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