Hello from the Rector
Dear friends,
This week is the week of prayer for Christian Unity. We usually have a joint service with our friends at the Methodist and Salvation Army chapels but this year we are doing something different. On Saturday 15th February at 5pm we are having a Songs of Praise service at Clowne Salvation Army celebrating God’s work in Clowne. The Salvation Army band will provide music and we will hear from all 3 churches about how God is at work in our wonderful village of Clowne and we will sing our favourite hymns. We hope this will be a great celebration and something people will enjoy attending. Do put it in your diary and invite your friends and neighbours. We have done it on the theme of God loves Clowne since the date is so near Valentine’s Day!
Don’t forget as well that this Sunday sees the return of our relaxed and special evening service, Refresh at 5pm at Clowne – why not give it a try? I’m even getting my guitar out this week!
Rev Mike’s induction at his new parishes in Leek will be on Shrove Tuesday, 4th March. Please sign up at church if you would like to attend and we will identify whether we can give each other lifts or need to hire a coach. If you would like to make a donation to a gift for Mike, please put it in an envelope and mark it ‘gift for Mike’ and bring it to church.
See you soon,
Rev Bryony
These are our upcoming service and event times for your diary:
Sunday 26 January – Epiphany 3
8.30am Morning Prayer Clowne
10am Sung Eucharist Barlborough
5.00pm Refresh Service, Clowne
Tuesday 28 January 7.00pm – Clowne PCC
Sunday 2 February – Candlemas
8.30am Morning Prayer Barlborough
10am Sung Eucharist Clowne
5.00pm Choral Evensong
Sunday 9 February – 4 Before Lent
8.30am Morning Prayer Clowne
10am Sung Eucharist Barlborough
Saturday 15th February 5pm at Clowne Salvation Army
God loves Clowne SONGS OF PRAISE celebration service
Sunday 16 February – 3 Before Lent
8.30am Morning Prayer Barlborough
10am Sung Eucharist Clowne
3pm Service at Cliff House Care Home
Contact the clergy:
Rev’d Bryony Taylor, Rector
01246 813569
Rev’d Mike Fitzsimmons, Assistant Curate
07385 292902
Please note that the clergy’s usual day off is a Friday. Find out other information about our churches on our website: http://bcjj.org.uk