Barlborough Village Advent Calendar 2024 – join in!

Barlborough Village Advent Calendar 2024 – join in!

Welcome to the 5th Barlborough Advent Calendar. Can you believe we have been doing this for 5 years! Thank you to all those who have taken part in previous years. There have been some fantastic sights and we hope you will join us again this year. Hopefully the village walking group will use the window trail for their weekly walks again.

For those of you new to Barlborough or who have not heard of us; each day a new festive window will be revealed around the village. The window will be posted on the Facebook pages of St James’ Church and Barlborough Community.

If possible, we ask that your decorated window is lit from 4 to 9 pm each evening, with each window visible from its first designated date until the calendar finishes on Twelfth Night (5th January). Please be aware though that we can’t guarantee this if someone’s circumstances change. If you would prefer your window to not be lit and daylight viewing, just let us know. A Google map of all houses taking part will be available on the Facebook pages.

If you want to take part, please get in touch so we can allocate you an advent number. We need a minimum of 24 houses. Once you’ve got your number, its up to you to decorate a stained-glass window, visible from the street, depicting a Christmas scene including your advent number. On your designated date in December please turn the light on in that room so your creation can be seen. On Christmas Eve we will have a walkable advent route through Barlborough with all 24 windows visible.

Alternatively, if you cannot take part in the advent window, why not put a picture of an angel in your window during advent to bring comfort and joy at this time of year. 

Please contact Lisa Storer for further details or to request your advent number.


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