There is something for everyone in our churches this Advent and Christmas. Here is a run down of our services:
Sunday 3rd December – Advent 1
8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough
10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Clowne
5.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Barlborough
Sunday 10th December – Advent 2
8.30am Morning Prayer, Clowne
10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Barlborough
6.00pm Dickensian Carol Concert, Barlborough
Tuesday 12th December
7.00pm Light of Life Christmas Memorial Service, Clowne
Sunday 17th December – Advent 3
8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough
10.00am Benefice Eucharist, Clowne
6.00pm 9 Lessons and Carols, Barlborough
Wednesday 20th December – 7pm 9 Lessons and Carols, Clowne
Sunday 24th December – Advent 4 – NO MORNING PRAYER AT CLOWNE
10.00am Said Eucharist, Barlborough – no hymns
4.00pm Crib Service, Clowne
6.00pm Christingle Nativity Service, Barlborough
11.30pm Midnight Mass, Barlborough and Clowne
Monday 25th December – Christmas Day
9.15am Festival Eucharist, Clowne
10.15am Festival Eucharist, Barlborough
Sunday 31st December – Circumcision of Christ
8.30am Morning Prayer, Barlborough
10.00am Sung Eucharist, Clowne