We are delighted to report that our church at Barlborough will be open again for a service of Holy Communion on Sunday 26th July at 10.00am – the Patronal Festival of St James. All are welcome to attend if you feel safe to do so.
We have conducted a full risk assessment and the church is laid out for appropriate social distancing. We are asking that everyone wears a face covering during the service (unless you have a medical exemption), spare masks will be available if you need one. You will be asked to sanitise your hands on entry and sign in (for NHS Track and Trace purposes – data will be kept for 21 days before being destroyed).
For those who do not feel comfortable coming back just yet, the service will be live-streamed on the St James Facebook page and by the end of the day will be viewable on YouTube and on this website on the usual page for Sunday Services Online. The sermon will also be available to listen to on the Dial a Sermon line 01246 388487.
Watch this video here to see the new layout:

Simple rules are as follows:
- If there is a line. DON’T CROSS IT
- If there is an arrow. FOLLOW IT.
- If there is a cross on the floor. STAND ON IT.
Please wear a face covering when in church to protect yourself and those around you.
There will be no singing, sadly, but please do join in with the words in bold in the order of service as usual.
We will share the peace at a distance!
Come up to receive communion when prompted, communion will be in one kind only (the bread). If you would rather not receive communion you can still come up for a blessing. When you reach the front of the line you can remove your mask for receiving communion and then replace afterwards. Take your time for your special moment with God.
Please leave any collection money on the plate provided at the back of church or even better, set up a direct debit by ringing this number in the week:

Parish Giving Scheme codes:
St John the Baptist, Clowne: 120612060
St James the Greater, Barlborough: 120612054
We look forward to seeing you again!
Clowne Parish Church will reopen for worship on Sunday 2nd August at 10.00am. Thereafter we will alternate between the two churches for our in-person worship. Dates of future services are as follows:
Sunday 2nd August – Clowne
Sunday 9th August – Barlborough
Sunday 16th August – Clowne
Sunday 23rd August – Barlborough
Sunday 30th August – Clowne
Sunday 6th September – Barlborough
Sunday 13th September – Clowne
Sunday 20th Sept – Barlborough
Sunday 27th September – Clowne