Easter Sunday 2020 will be an Easter Sunday like no other before it. We cannot sing the great Easter hymns inside our churches, but we can sing them in this way…
At 10am on Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 we call on all who want to celebrate the resurrection to go outside and sing Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Thine be the Glory at the top of their voices! You could sing them…
- in your garden
- in your street
- like an Italian from your balcony!
- on your permitted daily walk in your local park
- by the sea or by a lake
…all of course keeping safe spatial distance.
In the parishes of Barlborough and Clowne we will be live on Facebook on Easter Day at 9.45am and will encourage everyone to sing these two hymns at 10am. You don’t have to join us on Facebook to take part – just sing wherever you are!
How to make this happen…
- Please share Sing Resurrection with as many people as possible by social media, email, phone.
- Let’s share it globally too and see if Sing Resurrection can happen at 10am in 24 time zones around the world!
- Invite friends and neighbours in advance to listen out for Sing Resurrection or to join in themselves.
Download a flyer to send to people here. Find out more about this initiative from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Hymn lyrics and tunes
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
1 Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia,
our triumphant holy day; alleluia,
who did once upon the cross; alleluia,
suffer to redeem our loss; alleluia!
2 Hymns of praise then let us sing; Alleluia,
unto Christ our heavenly king; alleluia,
who endured the cross and grave; alleluia,
sinners to redeem and save: alleluia!
3 But the pains which he endured; Alleluia,
our salvation have procured; alleluia,
now above the sky he’s King; alleluia,
where the angels ever sing: alleluia!
4 Sing we to our God above, Alleluia!
Praise eternal as his love; Alleluia!
Praise him, all you heavenly host, Alleluia!
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia!
From Surrexit Christus hodie, anon., C14, trans. John Baptist Walsh in Lyra Davidica, 1708
Tune: Please see Hymnary.org
Thine be the Glory
1 Thine be the glory, risen, conqu’ring Son;
endless is the vict’ry Thou o’er death hast won.
Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
kept the folded grave-clothes where Thy body lay.
Thine be the glory, risen, conqu’ring Son;
endless is the vict’ry Thou o’er death hast won.
2 Lo, Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb.
Lovingly He greets us, scatters fear and gloom;
let His church with gladness hymns of triumph sing,
for the Lord now liveth; death hath lost its sting. [Refrain]
3 No more we doubt Thee, glorious Prince of life!!
Life is nought without Thee; aid us in our strife;
make us more than conqu’rors, through Thy deathless love;
bring us safe through Jordan to Thy home above. [Refrain]
Tune: Please see Hymnary.org