'Clowne' Tagged Posts (Page 2)
Join in Advent Windows in Clowne this December
Since this Christmas will be very different from usual we would like to have a bit of Christmas cheer in the village. We are encouraging people to decorate a window of their house for Advent. Each day a new window will be revealed around the village. The window will be posted on the St John the Baptist Church Facebook page and in other groups on Facebook. We ask that windows are lit from 4 to 9 pm each evening, and…
Plastic Free Harvest Festival service recorded live from Clowne Sunday 27th September
Watch this week’s service live on Facebook at 10am here: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnthebaptistclowne/live Watch the service on YouTube here: Please donate to our local Foodbank project here: https://freedom.charity/#donate-now
Clowne Parish Church reopens on Sunday 2nd August at 10am – here’s what to expect
We are delighted to report that our church at Clowne will be open again for a service of Holy Communion on Sunday 2nd August at 10.00am. All are welcome to attend if you feel safe to do so. We have conducted a full risk assessment and the church is laid out for appropriate social distancing. We have a one way system so you enter church by the vestry door and leave by the front door – the floor is marked…
Community mining mosaic brings hidden stories of Clowne to light
An inter-generational group of people have come together at Clowne Parish Church to create a new mosaic as tribute to the mining heritage of Clowne and the surrounding area. Clowne Miners Chapel (inside the church) has not been used for many years. Most residents of Clowne have a connection with mining in their families and Rector Bryony Taylor wanted to involve as many local people as possible in the refurbishment of the space to make it a fitting memorial to…

Clowne celebrates its rich mining heritage with a vibrant festival
Clowne Mining Festival will take place on Saturday 22nd June from 10am-3pm at St John the Baptist Parish Church. This will be an opportunity for people to celebrate the mining heritage of our district and share their family history with the next generation. Explore our exhibition of mining memorabilia created by Clowne History Society. Come and see our brand-new mining mosaic created with artist Coralie Turpin and Junction Arts for our newly restored Miners Chapel. Visit our traditional church fair stalls…
Clowne Parish Church calls out for votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund
Clowne Parish Church is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative. Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects. Three groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they…
Clowne Well Dressing 2018 – pictures
This year’s well dressing theme was Celebrations in Church and Home and depicted a series of greetings cards. Here are some images of the creation of the dressing and the final result along with those created by local children.
Patronal Festival at St John the Baptist, Clowne
For our Patronal Festival of St John the Baptist this year we held a family barbecue and then had a wonderful celebration Eucharist on Sunday 24th June. Here are some photos from the weekend: At the Eucharist we reflected on the themes of John the Baptist’s life as depicted in our beautiful stained glass windows. Which window do you most connect with?
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